Monday, 25 January 2016

Old Blighty. Hampstead Heath and Highgate Cemetery

Highgate Cemetery August 2015
     I was blessed with good weather in the UK. But the the day I went to Highgate Cemetery it worked against me. It was a hot and sunny day so it was really hard to get a good shot of the over grown parts of the cemetery, the tomb stones were half in deep shadow and half in bright sun light, an impossible combination for a good photo. I walked from the hostel through Hampstead Heath on to Highgate.
   The cemetery was every thing you imagined, hundreds of tumbling down over grown tombstones, and the tombs of famous people.

Karl Marx, one of the most misunderstood men in history
One of the first famous persons grave I came across was Douglas Adams. Auther of that great trilogy in five parts. The hitch hikers guide to the galaxy.
Douglas Adams, a small and modest grave
If your a Sex Pistols fan. Heres Malcolm Mclarens grave, less modest.
Malcolm Mclaren
Some more images of Highgate Cemetery
I walked through Hampstead Heath on the way to and from Highgate Cemetery. I,m amazed at its size, and that much it is near wilderness so close to London
The City of London from Hampstead Heath
Its like a remote mountain meadow
One of the many lakes on Hampstead Heath
Kenwood House. Hampstead Heath
In front of Kenwood House
People by one of the many lakes on Hampstead Heath
A swan on a lake
A country lane in Hampstead Heath

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